Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I hate the game called mafia. I suck at everything but being a townsperson.

Don't know what mafia is? Here, let me explain the darned game to you . . .

First of all, it's a real life game you play with real people. Not online. Not a video game. Now that that's clear . . .

In our youth group version, there are two mafia and everyone else is townsfolk. Mafia, in a normal game, are the murderers who go out killing the people. Only you don't murder. But I'll get to that later.

You choose the mafia by putting the same amount of pieces of paper as there are people in a bowl/hat/ect, two wearing the title as 'mafia' and the rest saying 'T' for townspeople. Don't let show anyone show another what they are.

Once the mafia are 'chosen' then you all stand in a circle, with the lights on, and have everyone cover their eyes. No peaking or the game restarts. Anyways, someone yells, "Mafia awaken!" and the two mafia uncover their eyes and find the other so they know not to 'kill' (in youth group we put each other to sleep, but casera) each other, and then they cover their eyes again when someone yell, "Mafia go to sleep!" Then the lights go off (all of them) and the game starts.

The point of the mafia is to kill one of the other people, and not get caught, perhaps make it look like another was the killer, and the townspeople's purpose is to not die, and somewhat to caught the killer so no one else dies.

To 'kill' another member of the town, the mafia merely has to go up to the desired person and draw an 'X' on their back. Since we had a nice accident where we fractures one of out members' finger, we don't 'die' we just stand there with our arms suddenly crossed over our chest and our head down, but originally it was where you drop to the ground, 'dieing' as dramatically as you'd like, but you must not make a sound. None. Nada.

Anyways, the mafia may kill as many as they'd like until one of the dead are found by another townsperson. If someone besides the killer finds someone dead they must yell the designated key word; in our case it is, "BANANAS BANANAS!" Original, right?

Then you have a town meeting. Anyone dead may attend by they made not hint in any way, shape, or form to who did it, and they may not speak. People accuse who they think the killer is, the accused give alibi's, and then the townpeople vote on who they think did it. That person is hung for their supposed crimes.

After the person dies, they say whether or not s/he was a mafia or not. You continue this until both mafia are killed and long dead for what they have done. Also, there is no reinfestation, so no one dead can come back to life. Sorry, you're ghosts.

And I suck at this game. It sucks. I mean, I do alright as a townperson, I just stand there and stare darkly around the room, maybe scare Brandon (a friend of mine) a little bit, but that's that. If I'm mafia I suck. I always get caught and if I don't I take too long and am found out. So yeah. I hate it.

Update on Phantom of the Opera:
I have read 15% of the book now! All the songs from the soundtrack are memorized as well :) And I've started earning money for the play. It will be *amazing*.

Cassandra Bloom

P.S. I've been thinking of making the last name of my pen name 'Blood'. What do you think?