was a loud rap on my window that woke me right up. It was light, basing off the
little rays seeping through my curtains, which meant it was still day, and I
wondered why in the world whoever was out there would be knocking on my window
at this time, when it was even colder than usual.
I hesitantly snuck across the room,
carefully watching my step so I wouldn’t wake anyone, and slowly pulled the
curtains aside. There stood Adrian, looking absolutely perfect as always, in a
pair of long dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt shoved under a plaid
green-and-black-and-white button-up vest, wonderfully fitted to his frame to
make him appear thinner, and he wore his usual vans and accessories. There was
a bright smile on his face, the whiteness of his teeth glistening off the light
of the sun. I chuckled lightly at him, mentally congratulating him for getting
onto my balcony for once, and opened the door for him to come in. He lifted me
into the air, his hands on my waist, and twirled us around in a full circle.
“Hey, guess what?!” He asked
excitedly, but didn’t wait for me to give an answer. “I finally mastered my
fire element and passed my final exam!!” He clapped his hands together happily,
and I couldn’t help the swelling of my heart’s joyousness from this news.
“Why, that’s magnificent!” I
exclaimed, and he nodded, his face lighting up even more.
“I’m so happy.” He declared to me, and wrapped my body in a firm hug. He
started by teasingly nibbling my ear, but then his lips tenderly moved their
way towards my mouth with extra care. His hands moved along my body and
traveled to places they shouldn’t ever go to, with my clothes on or off. My
hands gained a mind of their own in reaction to his, and started prying at the
buttons of his vest, and his, as if realizing he had similar wants to mine,
pulled my red cardigan up and over my head, breaking our kiss for the tiniest
moment, but soon we had the same warm energy flowing between us once more. His
vest and my cardigan were on the floor, and his black T-shirt soon joined it,
along with my bra.
Adrian’s hands cautiously moved over
my bare skin, and he stared at me as if he were surprised of my beauty. He
repeated the same words he had after our first kiss, both a prayer and a séance
instead of a mere compliment.
“You’re…You’re amazing.” He drew me
closer, like a fisherman bringing in his catch. He was puffing hard, but once his
hands were finished exploring the available bare skin, they trailed down to the
button on my jeans, and he pulled them off with ease.
Once all our clothes were tossed
casually onto the floor, he pushed me back onto my bed and wrapped me in his
warmth. I loved the both the feeling and the scent of his skin, an unusual
cinnamon spice coating his normal musk. His kisses became greedier against my
mouth, but they were pleasurable, and with each one my happiness was taken to a
whole new level.
From the moment he did it, I knew I
wouldn’t have been satisfied if we had done it any other time. Fate had planned
it to be today, and that’s exactly when I wanted it to be. No sooner, and no
For the rest of the night (or day,
if you want to be technical) he held me and whispered, “You’re amazing, little
Moroi, so so amazing,” in between each kiss. Every time he did, I knew that
little nickname had grown on me. If one day he came up to me and called me
Alicia for the rest of our life together, I would be disappointed. Just like I
would never be satisfied with anyone but Adrian being here with me, taking my
virginity with the utmost care, and holding me as cautiously as he would with a
new-born baby, but still with the blissful energy. I felt amazing and incredible and wonderful and marvelous and just
It was the best thing waking up at
the end of the night and feeling him nested next to me. He had obviously woken
up before me, because my head was in his lap, which was covered with the jeans
he’d been wearing earlier (and was wearing again), and my blanket was covering
my still naked body. His fingers were playing in my hair, tangling themselves
into a tighter knot in the auburn strings, and he looked down fondly at my
face, a pure smile on his face. When he watched my eyes flutter open, he smiled
more, and untangled his fingers from my hair.
“Hello beautiful,” he whispered, his
voice coated with his love and tender affection for me. I returned his smile,
and started to sit up, dragging the blanket with me to keep myself hidden
beneath it. I tore my eyes away from Adrian’s flawless face, and let them
wander around the room. Everything was as we’d left it, with his shirt and the
rest of my clothes in a pile, and the curtains open, revealing a starry night
sky. My gaze made it over to my alarm clock when my eyes widened, realizing I
was late for my first two classes.
Adrian’s hands caught my shoulder
before I could bolt, and gently massaged the spot he had grabbed as he chuckled
lightly. “It’s okay, little Moroi, I called the office while you were sleeping
to tell them you weren’t feeling well enough to leave bed, so that’s where
you’ll be staying for the rest of the day.” His words relaxed me, as did his
touch, and I leaned back into his bare chest. He pressed something soft—his
lips?—into my hair and slipped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap.
“How are you feeling?” He asked nonchalantly, and I smirked at his casual
“Absolutely perfect.”
Idk. I just really liked that scene. There was a certain perfectness in it that I've never caught anywhere else.
Btw, that was also last year's (2011) NaNoWriMo . . . Or at least a piece of it. Most elements of it were good, the setting, some people, the classes, but things like the main character and storyline were screwed. I honestly think my first-ever story had a better storyline--and that's saying something. Speaking of my first story ever--I've been thinking of rewriting that one if I ever get another story finished. It'd definitely be cool--with extra high chances of getting published with it's content . . .