My World of Writing and Reading

What's the point of this page, you may ask? Well, this is where I'm going to list a bunch of things. My favorite books, authors, stories I've written . . . It shall all be here. Afterall, if I live in wonderful world of literature, shouldn't I be able to share it? So, welcome young writers, gather round for today I have something special for you . . .

Top Ten Authors (those special people you'll squeal and scream about just because you happened to walk through a store and see their name onn a book on the shelf--even if you already own the book (yes, I have done this :D). Some of these people I haven't even read a book from--I just know they're going to be wonderful from the start :D)

1. Richelle Mead. I know I've told you Cynthia Hand is my favorite author, and she is, but the maturity in Richelle and her books are what pull me to put her in first here. Both team Dimitri and Adrian! (or Belikov and Ivashkov ;) )

These next three are in no particular order. I swear, they all win gold medals in my book, and all tie in ranking.

2. Lili St. Crow. I love her Strange Angels books (hooked on them since I read a piece at the end of a Vampire Academy book) and every so often I'll check her blog--and I love that too. Team Fricking Christophe!

3. Carrie Jones. Great influence on me--I swear your writing style is one of the most amazing I've ever seen. You're also incredibly creative--I hope that someday I'll be just as good as a published author :) Team Astley!

4. Cynthia Hand. My favorite author--and I've read every blog post of yours--top to bottom. You're so inspirational and wonderful and talented . . . I just love you. You're amazing. I will read all your books in the years to come--and reread them when I'm finished ;) And I honestly don't have a team...though I think for once I am leaning towards the human, Tucker...

*ahem* back to order

5. Here, we have Moonglass by -- Kirby. An exquisite book, might I add, with amazing details and all. I would read it a billion times if I could.

6. This was one of my favorite all time stories as well. Wanna know something funny about this list? I'm listing them from the stories I started from least recent to most recent. AHEM. Anyways, this spot belongs to Entwined, by Heather Dixon. When I get older, and as my style begins to grow, I think my writing is going to be a lot like hers. I just loved this book.

7. One of my more recent books, and one that inspired me to write the one I am currently writing, I introduce Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper. I actually won this book (and her other that I've been meaning to read . . .) in a contest held by the Indelibles, but this book is AMAZING. When my stlye grows up (as I was saying on #6), I think it will be a twist between Heather Dixon's and Karen Amanda Hooper's. They are just so incredible!

8-10: unassigned at this point.

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