I've seen so many writers quit after such a long run, several of them close friends. Why? Because of doubt. 'I'm not good enough.' 'I'll never make it.' Because of fear. 'Well, I won't try because I don't want a rejection, or better yet, no reply at all.' Because of 'no time.' 'I'm just so busy!' Each and every excuse you could give is nothing when you have talent. If you don't like it, sure, but if you do, then you sure as heck better be out there doing it.
I guess I'm not one to talk, though. I've used every excuse I listed up there--but no matter what I said I came back to it. Writing is my drug. Surrender to it, and fill your heart with it. Don't surrender to doubt, even if it is your biggest weakness.
Sorry for the lack of posting. I've been giving my other blog attention:
So yeah. If you don't like the annoyed, blame-the-world-but-not-myself tone, then don't go there, because that's what it is. Adios.