I was awarded the Paperclip Award (capitalization, Cass, remember capitalization...) by a good friend of mine, Paperclip Girl. She is absolutely amazing. I reccomend you go read her blog. Like, right now :P
Okay, so now onto the award.
Isn't it beautiful?? I love it. Now onto the next part...
RULES: If you are awarded the Paperclip Award, you must answer the 13 prompts given, and then you must give the award to 13 bloggers (although, as the creator of the award, I’m giving you permission to give it to less, or more, and bend the rules a little) and give a link to their blogs. Also, no awarding the blogger who awarded you! Got that?

1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was never actually worried about what I wanted to be when I wasn't sure. I just figured I could contemplate it when I get older, then was the time for fun! ;)
2. What is your ultimate favorite place to be?
My Ultimate place...I think it would be in the summer, at my desk with the lights out with my laptop and typing away at my latest story; OR at my best friend Ashton's house. Both are wonderful. Sunsets are great too...but that's for a nother day ;)
3. Name one famous person who inspires you. (Just one!!!)
Papercli--haha just kidding. I think Cynthia Hand is big one, but I also have to mention Stephanie Meyer, who is not my favorite author these days (actually I don't like her at all...Sorry!), but her books are what got me to start writing back in those first days.
4. Tea or Coffee?
5. If you could be any other person for 48 hours, who would you be?
Bob. Look at my last post to see who Bob is.
6. What is your earliest memory?
Umm...When I was finally allowed to bite my brother back for all the times he bit me?
7. If you could ask anyone in the world, living or dead, anything, who would you ask, and what would you ask them?
I would ask Bob if he loves me. Stupid, yes, but it is the one question I want answered more.
8. What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Watched a grusome video about Black Death.
9. What is your favorite book?
I don't have one right now.
10. Briefly explain one of the weirdest dreams you have ever had.
Umm...I don't remember my dreams.
11. What one song best describes you? (Feel free to post a link to a Youtube vid)
Bleeding Love
12. Pen or pencil?
13. Is 13 an unlucky number or not?
Lucky. I am 13. Duh.
I'd like to award the very special Paperclip Award to the following peeps!
1. Jessica Scarlett, a very good friend of mine, get's the first prize. She's so deep and I love reading her blog as much as I'm sure she loves reading mine ;)
2. Ashton Pheonix Holt, the girl with problems as she puts it (which is only half wrong...;) ) has an amazing blog, even though she just started, and is an amazing person as well.
3. Cynthia Hand's blog. She is like my favorite author, (when my fellow NaNoWriMo-ers are excluded from being 'favorites' ;) ) and I love her books. She's also really clever and has some nice foreshadow. And I don't care if famous people don't count here. I'm always holding my breath for a post from Cynthia and therefor she counts in my book.
4. Beth Revis has a wonderful blog. I especially love her writer's help page, that definitely helped me in more ways than one--and I need all the help I can get.
I must admit I don't read much on blogger besides the four above, so I'm going to add Miss Paperclip's blog to the awarded. Oh--and I read her blog too :P
5. Paperclip Girl definitely deserves this award. Even though she created it. Anyways, I issue this award to the most random and one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Keep up the awesomeness! :)
Thanks everyone :)
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